Huawei E3372 Driver Windows 10

Huawei E3372 Driver Windows 10

Huawei E3372 Driver Windows 10 Average ratng: 4,6/5 9356 reviews

The Official Huawei Specification Web-Page of the E3372 Dongle also does not list the Microsoft Windows 10 Operating System among the Supported Operating Systems. The Cardboard Box of the Device specifies that the Interface Type is USB 2.0 High Speed.

Hi, I have the wierdest issue and it is doing my head in! Some background. I bought a Huawei E3372 LTE dongle as I am away from home a lot and needed a decent internet connection.

I do have access to an internet connection outside of the dongle but it is unreliable and slow, especially at peak times. The dongle worked absolutley fine for ages and then at the start of December Windows pushed out some updates and then my issues started. Initially after the updtates Windows would recognise the dongle was connected as I would get the audio cue that a USB devie had been connected but it would not launch the browser front end to enable me to connect. I discovered that this was because Windows was not allocating the dongle an IP so I manually set a static IP. This enabled Windows to launch the front end. Now, once I finally got the dongle to launch the front end I could connect to the network. Except I couldn't.

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It was telling me I was connected to the network, I could ping sites but I could not actually open any web pages. Thinking that the updates had caused an issue I located them and uninstalled them.

I also preformed a rollback to prior to the updates being installed. Neither solved the issue. I tried unistalling the driver for the dongle and reinstalling but again the issue persisted. I spent ages trying to find a solution.

Eventually I discovered that if I start the laptop up with another interent connection it starts ok. I then disconnect this connection and plug the dongle in, connect to the network and then everything works as it should! I have attempted to disable everything in start up in case this was the issue but this doesn't solve the problem.


It also doesn't work if I leave the dongle connected to the network and start up, or restart, with the dongle already connected to the 4G network. This work around only works if I start with the laptop connected to a different internet connection. If anyone has got a solution to this I would be eternally greatful as I am about to go somewhere where I will not have a secondary connection to perform this workaround. I am running Windows 10. The dongle works as it should on other Windows 10 machines and a friend of mine has the same dongle and I borrowed his to see if I had the same issue which I did. It is definately something within Windows.

Windows 10 V1709 kills modem connection German blog reader Thomas B. Has informed me about this issue via e-mail. Thomas wrote: In Win10 there is an issue that has somehow remained unnoticed so far, although there are probably a lot of people who might be affected: since the Creators update, HUAWEI Surfsticks (e.

The E3372h-153) don’t work anymore, or only if you manually change the adapter settings (what hardly anyone knows and what a normal user can’t do or doesn’t dare to do). MS had promised a fix in November and allegedly delivered it with the cumulative update of, but the issued hasn’t been fixed. Program cracks and keygens.

At Microsoft Answers forum there is, dealing with the same issue. On October 23, 2017 a user wrote: Modem Dongle not Working On Windows 10 Fall Creators Update When I upgraded to 1709 (16299.19) I couldn’t get my Huawei E3372 Modem to connect! Before the upgrade I had no problem and with no drivers it could connect to the internet. I have done everything that I think of, Unfortunately NO LUCK! What is the solution? Another user pointed out, that the issue shall be fixed by the November 2017 update, but that hasn’t worked. One proposal is a downgrade to Windows 10 version 1703.

Huawei E3372 Driver Windows 10
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