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The main objective of the course is to develop interpreting skills in different topics (not highly specialized texts). The objective defines the course goals, they are as follows: to describe special features of interpreting in comparison with translation, to work out and perfect necessary methods (process of making notes), to acquire knowledge (Interpreter's Code of Ethics and Protocols) and skills (switching from Source Language into Target Language, linear speech), to get to know about peculiarities of various genres. COURSE REQUIREMENTS At the end of the Interpreting Course, 4 th Year, students are required: - to distinctly apprehend the difference between translation and interpreting features; - to get to know the Interpreter's Code of Ethics, i.e. Strict conventions that govern the interpreter's place; - to be able to interpret texts (not highly specialized) on a variety of topics; - to know not less than 200 Russian-English equivalents of toponyms; - to know not less than 100 cliches derived from the texts both analyzed and interpreted during our classes.
RECOMMENDED LITERATURE 1. Alexeyeva I.S. Professionalniy trening perevodchika: Uchebnoe posobie po ustnomu I pismennomu perevodu dlya perevodchikov i prepodavateley. - SPb.: Izdatelstvo 'Soyuz', 2004.
Vvedenie v perevodovedenie: uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov philologicheskogo i lingvisticheskogo facultetov visshih uchebnih zavedeniy / 4- e izd. -M.: Izd - vo Academia, 2010. Alexeyeva I.S. Ustniy perevod.
Nemetskiy yazik. Kurs dlya nachinayuschih.
- Spb.: Izdatelstvo 'Soyuz', 2002. Vvedenie v teoriyu I praktiku ustnogo posledovatelnogo perevoda / E.V.Alikina. M.: Vostochnaya kniga, 2010.
Brodsky M.Y., Yepifanova A.B. Toponimy v professionalnoy rabote perevodchika: uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov napravleniya 'Lingvistika i Mezhkulturnaya Kommunikatsiya'. - Yekaterinburg, 2008. Mir Perevoda - 4. Audiokurs / K.Petrenko, A.Chuzhakin.
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- M.: R.Valent, 2001.